Airline Captains Most Challenging Day (Part 3 of 3)

This was a day that pushed my skills and capacity as both a Commander and a human being to the limit. It consisted of 3 main events, the 3rd of which is detailed here – Flight Planning Laws, Discretion Limits & Passenger Management!

Airline Captains Most Challenging Day Part 1 of 3

This was a day that pushed my skills and capacity as both a Commander and a human being to the limit. It consisted of 3 main events, each of which I’ll dissect over the next few articles.

Managing The Grey: Birds

birds plane

Refusing a takeoff clearance due to birds on the runway is something I’ve never seen anyone do in my 10 year career, but as our thrust was rising to 50%, I made a command call.

Do You Need A Degree To Become An Airline Pilot?

airline pilot degree

No, you absolutely don’t need a degree to become a commercial airline pilot in 2023. Some pilots opt to gain a college, university, or bachelor’s degree before flying, but this isn’t a current requirement for any major airlines.

EasyJet First Officer

EasyJet First Officer

The huge gust of wind from the right made the aircraft drift rapidly left of the centerline as we were dropping again. If we’d initiated a go-around now, we would have hit the deck again anyway…